
Introduction 1

Dodane 458 bajtów, 16:34, 6 lip 2015
/* Help page, installing an off-line version */
== Grouping projects (Studio) ==
In the '''My stuff windowthere ''' window there is a list of projects created by the user. <br /><p align="center">[[Plik:instr1_plik8.JPG]]</p> The user can click on '''New project ''' to create a project. He/she can also create a new studio – a place for grouping selected projects. '''Studio ''' (formerly called the gallery) is a convenient place for the teacher where he/she can collect students’ projects. For this purpose we need to create a new studio, then:
* Click on the name, change it and provide it to students.
* Check the box '''Allow anyone to add projects''''. * Click the '''Follow ''' button to receive information about activity in the studio. <p align="center">[[Plik:instr1_plik9.JPG]]</p> Adding projects to the studio is very simple. On the list of projects we choose the '''Add to ''' button and indicate the studio to which we want to add the project. <br /><br />----<span style ="color:red">'''Note: </span> <br/>'''<br />a project added to the studio must be made available to other members of the Scratch community. For this purpose we need to click the button '''Share ''' on the right side of the project. We can cancel sharing a project by selecting Unshare. ----<br /><p align="center">[[Plik:instr1_plik10.JPG]]</p>
== Help page, installing an off-line version ==
When we click the Help button in the main menu we can see a lot of materials which can help us in learning Scratch.
Some of the things we can find here: <br /><p align="center">[[Plik:instr1_plik11.JPG]]</p><br /> * '''Getting Started Guide ''' – a guide in English: Getting Started in PDF format containing an introduction – the basics of using Scratch. * '''Scratch Cards ''' – work cards in English, with an introduction to building simple projects. * '''What's New in Scratch 2.0 ''' – a description in English: What's new in Scratch 2.0 (compared to version 1.4). <br /> 
On the right side in the Resources section there are links to additional Scratch resources (all in English):
* '''ScratchEd ''' – portal for Scratch teachers. * '''Scratch Wiki ''' – a page with descriptions and guides prepared by Scratch users. * '''Scratch 2 Offline Editor (Beta) ''' – allows us to install the 2.0 version of the programme on our computer. * '''Scratch 1.4 Download ''' – allows us to install the old 1.4 version of the programme on our computer. * '''Scratch and the Physical World ''' – a link to a description of possibilities for using external devices in Scratch (e.g. for controlling structures built of Lego blocks)
* ... <br />
It is easy to install an off-line version, but it requires a good Internet connection.<br />
<p align="center">[[Plik:instr1_plik12.JPG]]</p> After selecting the Scratch 2 Offline Editor (Beta) link on the Help page, we need to click the image '''SCRATCH2.0 INSTALL NOW'''. <br />First '''Adobe AIR ''' runtime system is installed, and then the programme '''Scratch 2.0'''. The programme can run on Windows, MacOS and Linux. The desktop version of the environment installed on our computer can run without an Internet connection, it works in the same way as the on-line version.