
Introduction 3 - Glossary of basic Scratch 2.0 blocks

Dodane 1189 bajtów, 19:34, 6 lip 2015
Changes the value of a variable by a specified value. In the example above, the variable '''counter''' is incremented by one every time the '''mouse''' sprite is touched.
Displays the value of the variable on the stage. It works is the same way as when editing the variable name checkbox . When we right-click a variable on the stage, we can select a display method from the context menu.
“Normal readout” means the standard display – the current value of the variable including its name, and the possibility to edit the value. “Large readout" will display only the value (with the variable name) in large font, with a possibility of editing. Selecting the slider option displays an additional slider to change the value of the variable. The last option hides the display of the value on the stage. If the slider is displayed in the context menu, there is an additional option for selecting a minimum and maximum value for the slider.
Hides the display of the value of the variable on the stage. It works is the same way as when we edit the checkbox of the variable name to disable it.